Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What a professional!

So I often share stories of my interesting co-workers. Although I have come to enjoy them, this picture says it all! Sorry for the crude content and sideways orientation.
This is on our expedition up the face of Ben Lomond Peak. Jeff, my Dad, Butch (Rachel's hubbie)

Since one of us is skiing and the other is driving, we have yet to figure out how to take a picture of us water skiing here. However, this is a bruise jensen received after a cold trip out to the lake. This means you are a hard core skier if your spray gives you a bruise....note that there is not one of my leg.


candice said...

way to go! i have yet to get a bruise, wish we were there to ski with you!

Bethany said...

Hey guys. Nice bruise! How is the boat and the cold water? Your co-worker is lovely.